Virtual Press Conferences
Not only is digital media an inevitable part of any athlete’s life today, but dealing with traditional media outlets is also inescapable. Press conferences have been part of the sports industry for decades and they won’t be going away, but our vision is to make them look radically different and serve a radically different purpose than they have before. It is time to rethink how these event are done, utilizing technology to grow awareness of the game and diversify the discussion about it as well by opening the door to internet creators and to student journalism.
Historically, press members are credentialed by a team and allowed in the locker room immediately following games. With us, the events will take place well after the game, allowing you time to cool down, eat, and get comfortable. Questions will be sent to an email in our system. We will screen and list them and the video conference will be shot in a closed set (not done live via Zoom) . You will be able to do multiple takes, take your time, and review the questions beforehand.
Verifying online creators and student journalists and adding them to the list of press members allowed to ask you questions will help boost the amount of quality content written about your team and the game as a whole. It will also allow for more varied opinions and perspectives on the game and help you prevent invasive questions.